Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can it be??....Holiday clothes are coming!!

Yep, it's that time already! I'm stocking the Holiday wear so come check it out before you pay big $$ for the same thing! Time to think about those pictures! Lots of girls dresses and boys buttondowns/khaki/cords. Even some dress shoes. Check it out!
In Harrodsburg, I have several ladies holiday sweaters and a red plaid dress. Lots of L and XL sweaters for the cooler weather!

Everyone have a safe Halloween!

Centenary is having a Country Carnival Sunday, October 31 from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please pick up a flyer in the Welcome Center lobby for more information. We normally have traditional carnival games with prizes, pony rides, and arts and crafts. A light meal will be served. Come join us!